Harini dah masuk hari yg ke 3 aku start class for my new sem which is now i'm already 2nd year 2nd sem. Cepat sangat masa berlalu. xsangka aku dah masuk 2nd year..and for the next sem...i'm gonna be 3rd year student??can't believe it.huhu... so far...semua class aku dah masuk except for tilawah and parenting. lecturer xmasuk class pulak aritu...huhu. this is my list of subjects for this sem..
1. Cognitive Psychology
2. Social Psychology
3. Research Methodology
4. Lab Based Statistics
5. Arabic Language level 5
6. Intercultural Communication
7. Family Management and Parenting
8. Tilawah Al-Quran 2
ok. today i'm gonna write briefly about my subject..
firstly..cognitive psychology. this subject study about human brain.the functions. the structures of the brain, memory, sensation perception, attention and etc..so far..class nih best sebabnya yg ajar tu lecturer yg plg aku suke..hehe..:) and today we've already got assignment for our course..lect. suruh kitorg form group and then cari idea for our assignment base on individual creativity..ktorg kena bt model base on our topic in the course outline..kalo dapat memory..kena la bt model memory..cmne tu ea nak bt model memory??huhu..kalo dapat brain structure ok lagi sebab senang sket nak bt model brain. and then dalam akhir bulan september nanti..ktorg ada exhibition utk sume students psychology and for our cognitive class..ktorg kena present model kt depan student2 yg lain2 class..huhu...so nervous..
ok...then social psychology subject. we dealing with communities and needs their feedback in order to evaluate their actions and try to read their thinking. ada kawan yg dah amik subject nih sem lepas and cerite about her assignment..hoho...i dun noe how to describe when i heard bout it. bayangkan la..diorang kena pegi kat public area and then blakon jd stranger yg btul2 pelik...ada kwn yg kena nyanyi lagu negaraku atas chair kat food court jusco.. ada yang pakai payung dalam jusco and jalan2 sambil tengok2 baju..ada yang nyanyi kuat2 dalam train..ada yg tiba2 nak share food ngan strangers kat food court..aish...malunya...huhu..nak buat camna. dah assignment kena buat and each individual must do it in order to obtain marks from lecturer..huh!nih la student psychology..tpaksa bt experiment kat public in order to get feedback and result for our research. but..i dun noe yet what kind of assignment we will get it from lecturer for this sem. hope xde la sumthing yg mcm previous sem...
ok..next research methodology..this is 1 of the main core courses in our department. as psychology student, dah jd lumrah ktorg kena bt research and most of our assignments were based on experiment, interview, observation, survey, and questionnaires. through this subject, we learn about how to do research in appropriate ways and how to conduct the study, participants. hmm...not much to say bout dis course. but sound like interesting subject for me..hehe..:)
Lab based statistic??subject nih sambungan tuk statistics subject from my previous sem. mula2 aku ingat as human science student, ktorg xpayah lagi dealing with calculation, formula and so on. tapi bila dah lama tggalkan maths, bila study stats sem lepas, rasa best pulak and tiba2 rindu sgt ngan maths and add maths.huhu.. just beza statistics and lab based statistics, ktorg xpayah nak kire2 scara manual dah..just keep the data in computer and automatically calculate by using 'computer mind'.hehe..i like..:)
next...arabic language is the quranic language. i'm taking level 5 now and graduating from arabic language after taking level 6..yihaa!!hehe..waa...my lecturer is so kelantanese...loghat kelate pekat tol. nasib baek la kg aku kat terengganu. so..paham la jugak loghat2 sir nih..hehe. and he is so nice lecturer. i like it..ngee~~:)
intercultural communication (ICC)..this is my minor subject coz i'm minoring in mass communication. sangat suke ini lecturer..hehe..:) he was a pioneer of tv3 and ex-director of tv3 channel. so professional and a lot of experiences. sangat suka bila dia crite pasal experience dia bila travel. most of the countries dia dah travel. around the world..wow!! and sgt2 la sesuai dia ajar subject nih coz thru his experiences, dia boleh crite mcam2 psl other countries and their culture. very interesting. even my ICC class in the evening, but i'm not sleepy during his class. and he is a funny lecturer..hehe..:)
parenting and tilawah..dua2 subject nih compulsory for every of IIUM students. parenting..if i'm not mistaken, blajar pasal alam rumah tangga..kawen2.psl anak2 and how to become a gud parents..nice2. gud for our future...ngeee~~:) and tilawah..of cos bljr pasal Al-Quran..hafazan and tasmi'..and gud for our memory too..:) tapi..dua2 subject nih xstart lagi.. tilawah maybe next week bru start and parenting..kena tggu announcement bila start..huhu..
semalam aku baru je register japanese class level 2. and i dun noe yet when my japanese class will begin. tapi rasa2 nya sem nih agak full and very tired..byk sgt program..meeting..tmbah2 bulan ramadhan. tapi sbb nak gain knowledge, kena la sacrifice sket...:) insya Allah...^^